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Tag: Footplate
8 Articles
Orange arrow Why does the SmartLog Pro SE display “Check wrist cord connection”?

  If your wrist strap cord is not plugged in or is plugged in incorrectly, this message will appear. Please check your connection and try your test again. If you are doing footwear tests, please make sure the foot plate cable is securely connected on both ends. A loose cable can also cause this er...
Orange arrow Can the footplate from previous SmartLog versions be used with the new SmartLog Pro®?

  No. The SmartLog Pro® uses a mini din-6 cable appose to previous models which use either a RJ11 jack or 3.5mm stereo jack....
Orange arrow What are the test limits of the wrist straps and footwear on the SmartLog Pro®?

  For more information regarding test limits see the TB-6594 - SmartLog Pro® Installation, Operation and Maintenance Guide....
Orange arrow What cleaning solution may be used to clean the footplate on a SmartLog?

  99% Isopropyl alcohol is the best choice for cleaning because it leaves little to no residue....
Orange arrow What can you do if the SmartLog Pro® shows NO TEST for footwear testing for all employees no matter what test limit settings are in use?

  Reboot the SmartLog Pro® by power cycling it. Check that the SmartLog Pro® is properly grounded and make sure the foot plate cable is connected properly on both ends. Check the version number of the footplate in tester’s Admin menu. If the field is blank or shows 000, then the foot...
Orange arrow When testing footwear, why do I receive “Error 3” on the screen?

  This would indicate a disconnect between the footplate and SmartLog Pro®. Please use the procedure below for resolving this issue: Turn the SmartLog Pro® off (disconnect power) Remove the footplate cable from the dual-footplate Inspect the pins of the footplate cable and make sure they...
Orange arrow When testing footwear, why does it “timeout” even though I am on the footplate and pressing the switch?

  This would indicate a disconnect between the footplate and SmartLog Pro®. This is a result of a loose or damaged footplate cable, footplate, SmartLog Pro or Ground. Please use the procedure below for resolving this issue. Footplate Cable and/or Footplate Troubleshooting: Turn the SmartLog P...
Orange arrow How do you enable the footplate on the SmartLog Pro® if you have disabled it?

  To enable the footplate you first need to connect the footplate to the SmartLog Pro®. Once connected, go to the Admin menu on the SmartLog Pro by pressing “0” and Enter. If you are asked for an ID and Password it is also “0”. Once in the menu select “Foot Plate ...

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