Support Center > Knowledge base> Tagged: Admin Menu
Tag: Admin Menu
6 Articles
Orange arrow What is the disable feature in the SmartLog Pro® used for?

  The Disable feature is intended to prevent users from using the SmartLog Pro® without turning off the power or removing it from its location. By entering in the date and time when you want the SmartLog Pro® to be enabled, it will automatically become disabled until that specified date and t...
Posted in: SmartLog Pro

Orange arrow What is the schedule feature in the SmartLog Pro® used for?

  The Schedule feature allows you to view the programmed schedule for when the SmartLog Pro® will be disabled/enabled. The scheduling may only be done by using the SL NetAdmin application via the Preferences>Time/Timers>Hours of Operation section. If, for example, a location has 2 SmartLog...
Orange arrow How do you get the keypad back on the screen if you have disabled it?

  Press on the SmartLog Pro® icon on the bottom right of the screen. That will automatically take you to the admin settings, where you may navigate the menu to the Preferences menu, the ID/Badge menu and Keypad field to enable it once again....
Orange arrow How do you enable the footplate on the SmartLog Pro® if you have disabled it?

  To enable the footplate you first need to connect the footplate to the SmartLog Pro®. Once connected, go to the Admin menu on the SmartLog Pro by pressing “0” and Enter. If you are asked for an ID and Password it is also “0”. Once in the menu select “Foot Plate ...
Orange arrow Can you change the gateway and subnet mask settings on the SmartLog Pro®?

Orange arrow How do you repair the TEAM6 database?

  There is a Repair function found in the Admin - Database section of the program for this purpose....

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