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Tag: SmartLog V4
2 Articles
Orange arrow Is the SmartLog Pro® compatible with SmartLog X3 and SmartLog V4 units?

  No. When you purchase a SmartLog Pro® you will need to update the TEAM5 software. The update allows the TEAM5 software to communicate with the SmartLog Pro. At the same time this update will affect the performance of the SmartLog X3 and SmartLog V4. If you wish to add a SmartLog Pro® to you...
Orange arrow Is TEAM6 compatible with SmartLogs older than the SmartLog Pro®?

  The TEAM6 software is only compatible with the SmartLog Pro®. Any previous hardware version (SmartLog V5™, SmartLog V4™, SmartLog X3™, SmartLog PGV or Datalogger) cannot use this software without first upgrading their hardware....

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