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Frequency of recalibration should be based on the critical nature of those ESD sensitive items handled and the risk of failure for the ESD protective equipment and materials. In general, EMIT recommends that calibration be performed annually.Use the EMIT 50426 Limit Comparator and EMIT 50784 5-Pound Electrode to perform periodic verification (once every 6-12 months) of the SmartLog Pro® SE. The Limit Comparator can be used to check the test limits of the SmartLog Pro® SE without removing it from the factory.
See technical bulletin TB-6612.pdf for more information.
NOTE: Calibration is not required for the temperature and humidity sensor embedded within the SmartLog Pro® SE.If you wish to send in your tester to our factory for calibration, you will need an approved RMA to include in the box. The pricing and calibration time for that model are shown here:
We recommend that you fill out and submit the calibration repair form at the link below to request your RMA: