Support Center > Knowledge base> Article: What can I do if my SmartLog Pro® unit goes offline and back online in TEAM6?

What can I do if my SmartLog Pro® unit goes offline and back online in TEAM6?

Article ID: 102225 Print
What can I do if my SmartLog Pro® unit goes offline and back online in TEAM6?


Please make sure that you have POLLING turned ON when you are in the TEAM6 System Monitor screen to see the latest status.

If a SmartLog Pro® does not respond in the preset time limit, the unit is reported as “offline”.
This does not necessarily mean there is a problem with the SmartLog Pro®.  It can mean one or more of the following:

  • Network response time is slow.
  • Network monitoring tools are blocking communication.
  • Network connection is not viable.
  • IP address is not reserved.
  • Timeout period is not long enough.

Here are ways to improve network communication between TEAM6 and the SmartLog Pro®:

Ensure the IP Address for each SmartLog is reserved (with the SmartLog’s MAC address) in DHCP.  Please consult with your IT Department for details on how to do this.

Go to the System Monitor page in TEAM6 and adjust the communication settings:

  • Increase the "Timeout Period" in the TEAM6 software.
  • Select “Poll Preferences” and choose “Poll Frequency”.
  • Set the top frequency (Synchronization) to 1min and bottom frequency (Transaction) to 60secs.

Restart TEAM6.

Turn the SmartLog Pro® Off/On to reboot it

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Views: 1754 Created on: Sep 02, 2020
Date updated: Sep 03, 2020

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