Support Center > Knowledge base> Article: Can you make changes to multiple operators in the SmartLog Pro Manager Web Software?

Can you make changes to multiple operators in the SmartLog Pro Manager Web Software?

Article ID: 111255 Print
Can you make changes to multiple operators in the SmartLog Pro Manager Web Software?


Yes, you are able to make changes to certain fields in the Operator screen. 

You may use the filter options in the Operator screen to show the group of operators to modify and then check-mark those you want the changes made to. 

The Update Selected option shown in the image below is what allows you to make changes to your selected operators (for the fields shown). It opens a separate window that you use to make the change and then click Update to complete.

A screenshot of a computer</p>
<p>Description automatically generated

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Views: 663 Created on: Nov 01, 2023
Date updated: Nov 01, 2023

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