Support Center > Knowledge base> Tagged: 50424 Limit Comparator
Tag: 50424 Limit Comparator
2 Articles
Orange arrow When do I need to recalibrate the SmartLog Pro® SE and how can I do it?

  Frequency of recalibration should be based on the critical nature of those ESD sensitive items handled and the risk of failure for the ESD protective equipment and materials. In general, EMIT recommends that calibration be performed annually.Use the EMIT 50424 Limit Comparator and EMIT 50784 5-Poun...
Orange arrow When do I need to recalibrate the SmartLog Pro® 2 and how can I do it?

  Frequency of re-calibration should be based on the critical nature of those ESD sensitive items handled and the risk of failure for the ESD protective equipment and materials. In general, EMIT recommends that calibration be performed annually. Use the EMIT 50424 Limit Comparator and EMIT 50784 5...

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