Support Center > Knowledge base> Article: Where can I get a license for the SmartLog Pro Manager Web Software?

Where can I get a license for the SmartLog Pro Manager Web Software?

Article ID: 103545 Print
Where can I get a license for the SmartLog Pro Manager Web Software?


The software requires valid license to operate. Upon installation, the software will run with a trial license and the expiration date is shown on the sidebar:

To activate the software click on Activate (see the image above):


This form contains a unique Product ID. Send this ID to your Desco representative to obtain an activation key. Enter the activation key in the respective field and click Activate.

If the entered activation key is valid, the software will be activated permanently.

It is also possible to obtain an extended trial key from Desco, but it will only be valid for limited period of time. Contact your Desco representative for further details.

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Article Details
Views: 1748 Created on: Feb 17, 2021
Date updated: Apr 05, 2021

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